
At Fairlington Preschool, the framework for the experiences offered to children is the High/Scope Curriculum. High Scope is a proven, research-validated preschool curriculum that advocates an active learning approach where children learn by being involved in direct, hands-on experiences with people, objects, ideas, and events. To learn more about High/Scope, click here.

“In a HighScope preschool program, teachers ignite children’s interest in learning by creating an environment that encourages them to explore learning materials and interact with adults and peers. We focus on supporting early learners as they make decisions, build academic skills, develop socially and emotionally, and become part of a classroom community.”

– HighScope Website

We also provide ourselves on providing an inclusive environment for individuals of varying needs. We have special needs students and neurotypical students in the same classrooms. This provides all children the opportunity to learn and grow alongside individuals who may be different from them in some way. We use these opportunities to highlight differences in a positive way and teach our children to see the beauty in differences. We provide push-in services for students who may require speech or occupational therapy, thanks to our partnership with Playworks Speech.

Spending time outside is a priority for us at Fairlington. Children are spending more time in front of screens instead of playing outside. We have a recreational therapist who helps guide outdoor play for our children. Children learn a lot of interpersonal skills through group games and interacting with their peers.